Pathways Support Services have developed a service that supports young people throughout the whole, potentially stressful and daunting process of moving from care to independent living.
Given the complex nature of young people and the plethora of reasons that could bring about the need for placement, Pathways Support Services is as inclusive as possible, offering our experience and guidance to young adults between the ages of 16-21 and being sure not to exclude those present with mental health issues.
Accomodation instability is a major risk factor for young offenders and with a national shortage of suitable accomodation, many young people leave court on local authority bail with no suitable place to go. As a response to this growing issue, Pathways Support Services offer short-term support whilst the conclusion of the court is being awaited, offered along the same lines and principles as our substantive service.
It is vitally important that young people retain links with those that are close and important to them and to this end we encourage and actively arrange visists and interactions wherever possible, as well as developing and sustaining community links through local youth clubs, sports clubs and recreation fellowships. All of this is facilitated by the Link Worker and jointly managed by the young person in order to further develop a meaningful relationship with the focus being on engagement. All of our services are developed and tailored to the specific needs of the young person and part of being able to offer such a bespoke service stems from a full assessment of the needs and requirements of the young person before Pathways begins supporting them.
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